Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Matt Cutts: All Pages Needs To Have a Unique Meta Description

In Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world, website keywords rank is getting hard in Google search engine. Google needs to require all things are unique and informative to users.

Now we are discussing about Meta description. Google’s head of search spam Matt Cutts asking to us regarding Meta description in his recent video where a human writes in to ask.

Is it required for each single page in website to have a unique Meta tag description?

Matt Cutts says there are only two options for Meta tag description.

  • You can make a unique Meta tag description.    
  • You never elect to put a same Meta tag description At all. Definitely don’t have duplicate Meta tag     descriptions.

If you want to find duplicate content on your website, It is very simple to find and avoiding duplicate meta tag description by registering and verifying your website with the free Google Webmaster Tools console. Google will crawl your website and tell you if they find duplicate Meta tag descriptions.

Generally speaking, Matt says it’s probably not worth your time to write a unique Meta tag description for every single page on your website. Matt doesn’t even bother to do that on his own blog.

Matt recommends doing this only on pages that really matter. Such as your home page or pages that have high ROI. If you notice that some of your pages have really bad auto-generated snippets, you should consider writing a unique Meta tag description for those as well.

To sum everything up, you should avoid having duplicate Meta tag descriptions on all pages. Instead, write unique descriptions for some pages and just let Google auto-generate the rest.

What do you reflect about Matt Cutts’ newest video? Do you write unique Meta tag descriptions for all pages? Let me know in the comments section!

You can see the full video below: 

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